I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD. 我却要在你中间,留下困苦贫寒的民。他们必投靠我耶和华的名。
He leave his property in trust for his grandchildren. a custodian who is hired to take care of something ( property or a person). 他将财产交他人为其孙子和孙女管理。被雇来看管某样东西(财产或人)的管理人。
His estate be leave to his daughter, but shall she predecease him, it will be hold in trust for her children. 他的遗产留给他女儿,但如果女儿死在他前面,遗产将委托别人代她孩子管理。
So the primary way to leave money to an animal is to set the money aside in a trust structure and ask a beneficiary who receives the grant to care for the animal. 因此,把钱留给动物的主要方式是把它放在一只遗产信托中,请一位获得批准的受益人来照料动物。